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Twin Cities Fascist Field Guide


A handy guide to fascist and white supremacist groups and symbols seen around the Twin Cities area.  Last updated 7/13/20.

July 28, 2020

Don't Repeat Police Narratives Trying to Discount and Disrupt Working Class Rebellion


Please be very suspicious of today’s police strategic leak around the investigation of “Umbrella man” who broke windows at the E. Lake St Autozone during the Minneapolis Uprising.

June 9, 2020

A brief assessment at the first lull in the uprising


Here in Minneapolis, we are in the first "trough" of the wave of the uprising. MAJOR concessions have been granted by institutions cutting ties with the MPD and the City Council (including members who have been consistently obstructionist to the movement against policing) announcing a plan for abolishing the MPD.


Know Your Rights Copwatch Zine


Know your rights zine— reminder that this is a zine, meant to be printed out and folded into a small booklet, so some pages will be upside down on your screen!

Resource type
August 8, 2020

Transformative justice means centering people who are harmed


As discussions of police abolition and how other models of justice could work move forward and gain a mainstream audience, it is important to reiterate that "transformative justice" does not mean centering the harm-doer and their process of redemption.

August 12, 2020

Counterinsurgency and Continuing Insurgency in Minneapolis


As the summer born in flames nears its end in Minneapolis, the counterinsurgency playbook plays out much as expected. As symbolic concessions are granted all over, the material reality of racist police violence driven by propertied interests continues.

August 27, 2020

Defend the Uprising!


On May 26th, the people of Minneapolis rose up against the lynching of a 46-year old unemployed Black worker, George Floyd, by the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) in broad daylight. Masses of people, mainly young, mainly poor, and mainly people of color took to the streets. They surrounded and battled the Third Precinct, looted capitalist enterprise, and lit fires that were seen around the world.

August 27, 2020

Abolition and the Movement Against Police Brutality


The role of police in society is clear— to protect the rich and powerful and preserve the status quo. This is why Black police chiefs, training programs, and civilian oversight have never made a real difference: the underlying purpose of the police is still the same. When you know the history of the police in the United States, from the Slave Patrols to the deputized thugs who harassed and intimidated the immigrant working-class, to today’s riot police and assassins— it all starts to makes sense. The Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) is not on our side and never could be. We should focus on building the capacity of working-class communities to resist the police and defend our neighborhoods, not tweak the existing repressive apparatus.

August 27, 2020

Bryant Neighborhood Assemblies


In the wake of the George Floyd Uprising, many neighborhoods began to organize themselves. Mass meetings were held in parks across the city. In most places the main concern was community safety - and in many neighborhoods this was reduced to typical and reactionary concern for the property of homeowners. But in several neighborhoods, there was serious conversations about fighting racism, not relying on the cops, and allying with the protest movement.

August 27, 2020

Stillwater Restaurant Workers Stand-Up Against White Supremacists


On June 27th, Sophia Rashid, a Muslim woman, took her four-year old daughter out to eat in Stillwater, a town on the St Croix River about 20 miles east of St. Paul. Stillwater has two main industries: bars & entertainment - and the Stillwater state prison. The prison, where human beings are forced to work at twelve cents an hour and face punishing medical neglect during the pandemic, is a breeding ground for both multi-racial solidarity against state-sponsored slavery - and segregation and white supremacy. That night downtown Stillwater would be made unsafe by bikers with ties to a white supremacist prison gang - sparking a strong reaction from Stillwater workers and residents.