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August 27, 2020

Cell Phone Security: Keeping Cops and Fash Out


You probably have things on your phone you wouldn’t want a fascist or a cop to see: comrades’ contact information, loved ones’ addresses, logged-in social media accounts, and text messages, to name a few. While you can’t make it impossible for them to get into your phone, you can make it a pain. With every security measure you add, you make it more difficult for police/fascists to get your data.

February 20, 2021

Recuperation, Collaboration, and Informants: Reflections on the Three Way Fight Post Trump


This past moment revealed the true face of America – mask off – and has brought many of our friends, family, and communities into the struggle. Building this core understanding is important to keeping them with us and protecting them from harm. It's no secret that often we have better insight and active intelligence than the state does. With the state’s arms wide open, our new comrades might be tempted to collaborate or try to use law enforcement against the fascists in retreat. Not only does this strengthen our enemy, a confidential informant is one of the very worst positions you could ever be in. This goes double for a state obsessed with destroying anti-fascist and revolutionary movements.

February 20, 2021

Reflections on Action Tactics


Having seen what large groups of working-class people can do when they’ve been pushed too far, those in power are on high alert, ready to beat back radical action wherever they see it. As police repression mounts, we must think critically about our goals and tactics, be mindful of how we marshal the crowd, and accept criticism that helps us build better actions in the future.


SALUTE / ALERTA mnemonics for actionable information


We help protect one another by sharing useful and actionable information.

ALERTA: Activity, Location, Equipment, Request aid, Time & date, Appearance

SALUTE: Size, Activity, Location, Uniform, Time, Equipment

Resource type
February 20, 2021

Sanctuary: How I Came To Find A Home


I have learned through living in homeless camps that the true war on fascism and the state starts with feeding and sheltering the people you were taught to fear and learning to love those who have suffered the most.

February 20, 2021

A Powderhorn Neighbor On Solidarity With Sanctuary


The backlash from white Minneapolis progressives to radical demands/actions like the encampments, the George Floyd Autonomous Zone, and abolishing the police has taught me a lot about how a lack of real solidarity makes it easy to abandon radical ideas when comfort, control, and security are threatened. 

February 20, 2021

Reflections on a Summer of Militant Action for Housing Justice


The most clear lesson I learned (or re-learned) this summer is that if we wait for policy change or permission from capitalists and politicians we will never end houselessness. On the other hand, If we continue to assert our human right to housing through occupations and direct actions we can make sure every person in our region has a warm home. 

Defend Unhoused People at Quarry Encampment in Northeast Minneapolis

Event date

The City of Minneapolis announced an eviction date for the last major encampment not already forced off city-owned, unused public land.  It is tomorrow, Wednesday, December 28th.

People living at the Quarry encampment have called for defense, and the wider community has responded.  (The Twin Cities Workers Defense Alliance is posting this event listing to provide publicly-available information about the defense, but is not coordinating it in any fashion.)